Utah Concerns

Utah First: As Utahns watch violations of fundamental rights taking place all over the country—and in Utah—it’s been scary. As a civilized, peaceful society we look toward our organizations and governmental structures to help protect our rights, and as federal rights and protections seem to be eroding daily, we hope that being a Utahn means something. We hope that our legislators are up for it, hear the call, and will help the state guarantee the God-given rights outlined in our founding documents. We hope that Utah legislators will take a stand and place themselves between the people they took an oath to protect and the erosions of rights. We hope that violations of: speech, travel, health, 2A, judicial processes and court proceedings, associations, and privacy will have no place in Utah. America has been the beacon on the hill for the world as the bearer of these safeguards against tyranny, and it has been the hope of people everywhere that an individual could stand alone on their God-given rights. Utah can be that light on the hill where rights, process, order, respect, justice, and liberty are protected and given proper care. “Utah First” means ensuring on a state level those things that we believed were guaranteed on a federal level; namely, the protections that our founding documents gave us—particularly the Bill of Rights.

Senate Bill 54:In 2014, Senate Bill 54 (bill), sponsored by Sen. Curt Bramble and (regretfully by) Rep. Daniel McCay, was passed and allowed for an alternate candidate nomination process—outside of the caucus system—through voter signature collection. It allowed for an alternate path to the Republican primary ballot, bypassing the party, but also opening the door for big money to influence Utah elections. SB 54 allows for a candidate to get on a primary ballot and to win with a plurality of votes, instead of a majority—opening the door to multiple candidates on a primary ballot, as demonstrated in the 2020 gubernatorial race. SB 54 was the Super PAC, Big Money, Establishment response to the power the caucus system (blog) flexed during the 2010 Republican Convention; e.g., Bob Bennett’sunsuccessful attempt to make it to the primary ballot. SB 54 is used when establishment candidates are worried that they won’t make it through convention, so they hire a signature collection company and pay per signature to make sure that the most involved people who follow state politics—the delegates—can’t block them. This video shows how SB 54 allows for anyone with enough money to buy their way onto the ballot.

Smart Meters:Dominion, a company that Rocky Mountain Power Company outsources with, has—most likely—already slapped a new high/EMF radiation “smart meter”(TEDx Talk)on your home which will give them the ability to break down what you pay into different price categories based on when you use your power. High-peak times could cost you much more than low-peak times.It starts with “smart meters”(video) and ends with “smart” everything. Smart meters (documentary) will be able to tell what kind of smart devices are using it and will send a strong, untested on human health longterm and without correct metrics that signals high radiation impulses regularly to the power company. Utilities are justifying this data land-grab by telling us how cool it is that we can see our hourly usage.Smart meters (blog), in addition to living next to a powerful source of EMF radiation; they are, however, a data collection source that when centrally managed could be used for more than energy consumption reporting. Many home appliances have been coming with wireless connectivity lately? “Smart” devices will end up communicating with your smart meter, which communicates directly with your supplier of electricity. This new “Internet of Things” will make your house one big Siri, Bixby, Alexia surveillance style two-way communication—part of the “Smart Grid,” the surveillance system similar to what is in used in China. Once that is in place, whoever controls the utility will control your consumption, and have the capability to remotely shut off power. Fyi, currently you can call Rocky Mountain Power at 1-866-869-8520 and ask them to remove the Smart meter they put on your home and switch it for a non-transmitting meter. (Fyi, they will want to charge you to remove it, but lawsuits in other countries have been won.)And while we’re talking about Smart (surveillance) meters, here’s information on Smart toilets(video) and the Smart Grid.

The Great Salt Lake:Is it shrinking? Do we have a climate crisis affecting the GSL, or does it have anything to do with Canadian and Chinese companies mining lithium and magnesium from the GSL (blog)to make electric batteries? (Lithium is an essential component of electric batteries.) How much water do they use in the process? 2022 HB 157(bill)created the GSL account for revenue. Please review this video

Unwavering Immunity for Elected Officials:Did you know that Utah’s Elected Officials have immunity (video) from a myriad of things that they could do to the public? They could erroneously take your money, imprison you, steal your property.For instance, if the legislature—heaven forbid—ever enacted something like the horrors that our ancestors did to our fellow Americans in 1942-1945 in the Japanese Internment Camps, then Utah’s current immunity code could leave victims without ANY recourse. Will we learn from history? Immunity for elected officials allows them to deflect personal responsibility for their actions when “the group” made the decision. Help end Elected Official Immunity! Title 63G Chapter 7 Part 2 Section 301

Elections:Do we have a verifiable system? Although mail-in ballots, permitted through 2020 HB 36, are extremely convenient, they have created a problem that didn’t exist before. The mid-terms displayed the problem that was created with the HB 36 mail-in ballot legislation. We now don’t have same-day results like we did when we voted in-person, and with ID. It appears that a possible solution that might be offered to solve these problems that were created by our legislature with HB 36 could be a voting app, like VOATZ—would this be a good idea? Any voting app would remove any verifiability from the people completely as there is always a back door to any system for updates and changes. The vote is sacred and the only way that the people consent to their government. Allowing Big Tech to administer a free society’s elections is concerning when they have a vested interest in the outcomes. A voting app will not fix our elections, but going back to the way elections were administered before HB 36 would; in-person, on paper, and with ID in a verifiable system. Our legislature created our current voting problems. HB 36 and mail-in ballots are convenient, but so is leaving your keys in the car. Convenient elections are not verifiable elections.

Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs):Our legislature has been more than happy to outsource fascism through public/private partnerships (video). This gives a monopoly to the private company and removes accountability for the legislature. During the 2022 session, SB 22 (bill)—sponsored by Sen. Ann Millner and Rep. Jefferson Moss—removed many of the provisions that regulated PPPs and gave power to the executive branch through Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity (site) in the facilitation and administration of PPPs. Private companies that have agreements, contracts, MOUs with the government are then an extension arm of government and should be open to the same GRAMA requests. PPPs are “a system of government marked by centralization and stringent government controls” (video) aka fascism. The Utah legislature, often through the aid and recommendations of NGOs, enters into many PPPs.

Digital Driver’s License/DDL/SB88:The Digital Driver’s License Pilot Program was sold to legislators and the public as a convenient and secure way to have electronic (papers) identification. Authorized by the Utah State Legislature in 2019 and 2020 through a pilot program, Utah was the first state to adopt the program that has the potential to become the electronic global version of REAL ID. During the 2022 legislative session, the program was proposed—through Senate Bill 88—to move from a pilot program to a permanent program, but the sponsor pulled the bill after public concern was verified that SB88 cannot guarantee privacy because Utah’s mDL is determined by an international private corporation ISO due to compliance with 18013-5. DDL is a pathway to a U.S. version of the current Chinese Social Credit Scores where your participation in society is limited or permitted by your compliance score (a personal version of an ESG score a.k.a. a personal carbon footprint, or currently called a Trust Score—all the same thing). During the 2022 SB88 Senate Committee hearing, the state I.T. representative admitted that the ISO could be unsecure and is routed through private global organizations. DDL handout during 2/7/22 committee meeting.Audio of the DDL 2/7/22 meeting.Also, Digital ID, or Digital Prison? (video)

Vaccine/Health App:Regardless of any personal feelings on the vaccine, any attempt to require electronic papers to be able to participate in society is a slippery slope to greater governmental regulation in societal participation. Businesses do not have the same rights as personhood and their freedom of association is rightfully regulated by government such as: liquor licenses, hours of operation, non-discrimination adherences, etc. The idea that businesses would be allowed to collect mass data on citizens’ health as requirements to the entrance of publicly-operated businesses should be prohibited through state protections. Most businesses are monopolies, or supplied by monopolies—and even fewer small businesses exist since government covid responses terminated them. Can you imagine letting the horrors of segregation continue if restaurants in the South had been permitted to continue to have “Whites Only” restaurants because legislators put business’s rights on the same level as individual freedom of association. Corporate Personhood needs to be addressed and amended in the State of Utah. Businesses don’t need to violate HIPPA and ask for health papers. A vaccine/health app (video) is another avenue for your Trust Score (Chinese Social Credit Score) and would regulate your participation in society.

Inland Port:Currently the Inland Port has failed two audits and is on “hold.” They are planning to release their new master plan by Dec 14thAmong the many issues(blog) with the port is it openly pushes ESG scores. They are in favor of the smart grid rollout, surveillance, and scores for businesses to participate. It is being touted as the “International Economic Global Hub,” and the “Crossroads of America,” among many other concerning things (site). The port was granted a “$75 million bank,” a form of taxing authority (PID), and will be monitoring everything down to our rainwater. It appears that this is very nearly a sovereign entity in Utah that will not be held to account by the public. None of these people have been elected by Utahns to run such a state-wide project. Areour interests being represented?

Voting App: Voting apps are another possible avenue for your Trust Score (Chinese Social Credit Score). Voting apps have no proof of security and/or verifiability (blog) and turning our elections over to Big Tech that have a vested interests in who wins elections is a bad idea for a society that hopes to stay free. Voting apps—though convenient—would remove elections from the people and their ability to verify that elections are fair. The voting app VOATZ (mind map) that has been proposed in Utah—and used for the disabled and the military in Utah County—at the championing of Commissioner Amelia Gardner (Powers) has been used even though GRAMA revealed serious security issues that were raised by professionals.The development was funded by George Soros (article) through a 100 million donation given to Jonathan Johnson (of Overstock), for a voting app creation and other blockchain technology, who apparently then introduced it to Utah County through Comm. Gardner (Powers).

Ranked-choice Voting (RCV) Pilot Program:Utah has had a RCV Pilot Program since 2018 under the title Municipal Alternative Voting Methods Pilot Program and there is substantial data that shows that the pilot has had multiple problems. Aside from the egregious fact that if expanded across congressional districts a RCV program would require centralization of tabulation—meaning ALL counting would be on one machine in one place; aside from this, the RCV Pilot Program has been fraught with problems that have been ignored by the legislature and particularly the Political Subdivisions and Government Operations Committees. Multiple attempts have been made to show the elections data from the local municipalities (mostly in Utah County) that ran RCV elections—many convinced because of budget concerns—and the attempts have been met with silence. The NGO FairVote (lobbyists) along with Utah County elected officials pushing the RCV program are given unlimited time and access to present their poorly administered and anecdotal survey to these committees; however, organizations wanting to present actual facts and data taken from the elections are ignored. Notably, the Sandy mayoral race fell within the margin for a recount and this appeared to be missed. Multiple cities had upwards of 25% of their residents only allowed to have one vote counted in a multi-seat race, while others got more votes counted. Election fairness and security in regards to the RCV pilot program requires further inspection. RCV cannot easily be hand-counted and would be nearly impossible in large races. The centralization of anything that ensures your freedom should be discouraged. What does RCV and Mobile Voting Apps have in common? RCV explained (video) RCV Problems Flyer Episode 42: RCV: Record Number of Ballots Discarded (video) shows how the counting methodology is broken and shouldn’t used. Episode 42 also addresses the Sandy and Moab mess.

HB 374: School Materials:The legislature is trying, through HB 374, to prevent pornographic and obscene materials in schools and the State School Board is attempting—through policy—to stop them. The Attorney General’s Office got caught in the middle: read their multiple memorandums and retractions to understand this stand off. This is about obscenity and not discrimination. Read challenged books like Milk and Honey and Push to familiarize with some of the books that have been challenged and retained in the Utah public school system.

Health Centers in Schools:There is a proposal to turn schools into health care facilities that—if needs be—bypasses parental consent and disclosure. Schools would be one stop for medical, mental, education, physical, etc.: Sen. Reibe (sponsored bills) has a 2023 bill file called Office of Student Health Affairs (bill).

Water:Are we really running out of water? What are the federal waterways and who has control over their retention or release of water? Why did the state force cities to meter their water (grey and drinking)? What are the parameters on GRAMAing water issues in the state? SB 254 in 2022. Does Utah have a tattle-tell system that shut water off to whole neighborhoods? Are we running fresh water to the GSL? Is secondary/grey water getting metered? What’s going on with water? 2022 HB 168 Preferences of Water Rights Amendments

Gas Vehicles:Should the state guarantee the right to travel and the use of gasoline vehicles? And not phase out toward a ban gas-powered vehicles like California did.

Environmental Social Governance Scores (ESG):ESGs(State Treasurer’s website) are arbitrary environmental scores set up by larger corporations to rank violators and compliers to their industry standards. ESGs inherently violate one of the three questions that identify appropriate systems: Who decides? What’s the data? Compared to what? Should companies who stand to gain from controlling the market be allowed to make-up regulations adopted under the guise of corporate do-gooding, altruism, and the threat of having your business canceled if you don’t comply? Watch Epoch TV’s The Shadow State (documentary) to fully understand ESG and dangers (video Rep. Acton) of monopolies regulating the market and consuming governments. ESG appears to be already up and running in Utah among some businesses and many government run sites attached to the Governor and Lt. Governor appear to sanction and promote ESG scores for Utah’s economy.

Social Credit Score aka Personal ESG, Carbon Foot Print Score, Trust Score, Chinese Social Credit Score Equivalent: This score is currently used in China (video) to control behavior and access to participation in society; e.g., stores, car rentals, public transportation, etc. If you have too low of a score, like a journalist that writes unfavorably about the government, then your score will be reduced and you will be punished by not having access to goods and services in society. A social credit score (video) can be presented as a virtuous self-regulation tool for environmentally conscious people at first, but its use for control on the masses could easily be implemented. Digital ID or Digital Prison (video addresses social credit scores in depth).

Corporate Personhood Civil Rights Violations:In the State of Utah, in code, when “person” is written it can both mean an actual person, or it can mean a company/corporation. The argument that a company has the right to violate individual’s rights has been a theme since the pandemic started. When individuals’ rights are in question should businesses’ rights take precedence or individuals’ rights?Corporate personhood removes personal accountability and deflects who is to blame for pain, damages, and harm done to the individuals or the public: a corporation doesn’t have a conscience (and an ESG score is NOT a substitute for one). “I was just doing my job to increase profits for my shareholders,” is the result of deflecting responsibility through corporate personhood. Despite the argument that people’s rights should come above corporations and not be equal to them, there is incredible gratitude to Utah’s businesses—especially small, local businesses—that fought to stay open, and were called unessential. Corporate personhood (site) should be looked at on a state level to ensure corporations don’t have more rights than actual people.

Home Purchasing Monopoly: Utah County saw pages and pages of homes purchased all under ONE name last year. Upwards of tens of millions of dollars (60+ homes) spent on houses. When monopolies can outbid individual families trying to purchase a home (and home ownership is what created the middle-class), should government limit the number of rentals that corporations—or individuals purchasing for corporations—can purchase? Is it appropriate to stop the world’s largest companies from creating housing monopolies—companies with the purchasing power of Blackrock and Vanguard? Lehi appears to have an entire subdivision for rent only. Such purchasing power could have the potential of return society back to a feudal system where all the land and houses are in the hands of a few. Should Utah stop this monopolistic practice to secure a middle-class, especially as inflation rises? Many in the next generation are looking at a lifetime of renting. Should the state, counties, or cities be able to regulate the number of units that can be purchased for rentals versus private, single-family ownership?

Health Code Powers for Quarantining:In January of 2022, the Editorial Board of the Salt Lake Tribune printed a piece stating, “Were Utah a truly civilized place, the governor’s next move would be to find a way to mandate the kind of mass vaccination campaign we should have launched a year ago, going as far as to deploy the National Guard to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”We don’t want to believe humans have digressed and such historically-similar extremism could repeat itself. But do these powers exist? Technically, yes, the permission exists in Health Code 26/SB 195. Regardless of how you personally feel about vaccinations, should this type of power exist? Is this a power we want government to have? https://kutv.com/news/local/salt-lake-tribune-editorial-board-criticized-suggesting-utah-national-guard-deployment-enforce-vaccine-mandate

GRAMA (Utah’s version of the Freedom of Information ActProtections:The Government Access Management Act is the single most valuable tool that allows the public to request communications between government officials and entities. GRAMA has been used in understanding the link between NGOs, PPPs, and elected officials. A society cannot be free unless it has access to information about its government. Should public/private partnerships also be opened to GRAMA requests so the public can have transparency with the PPP’s dealings with government? Is GRAMA under attack with new fees and restrictions? (KSL video/article) Shouldn’t GRAMA be as open as possible and protected from possible legislative session encroachment? 2022 SB 254.

Equal Time for NGOs andNGO Financial Pedigrees:NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations can also be non-profits, which hire lobbyists to sway elected officials to benefit them (why else would they exist and get paid?). These NGOs are almost always given preferential treatment by legislators. They are given ample and extremely unequal time compared to the public, or citizen-registered non-profits. The motivation is obvious in that they have the backing, corporate influence, and the money to donate to campaigns. “The People” are just…well…unfunded, shoestring organizations and individuals who donate their time and energy to work on causes that they hope to safeguard or make better for the next generation. Shouldn’t the public—who often take off work and drive a distance be able to speak to committees—be given the same amount of time that professional lobbyists are given? Also, should NGOs have to file and have at committee meetings a financial pedigree chart that shows who funds them—including all the parent NGOs funding them?

City and County’s Rights and High Density Housing:Do cities and counties have unbiased, adequate representation with their lobbying groups Utah Association of Counties (UAC) and Utah League of Cities and Towns (The League)? If cities and towns have independent representation who only serve their needs, why have so many of them fallen to ridiculous high density, “low income” (that never translates to lower rent) housing around mass transit areas that the cities say they don’t want? Can’t UAC and The League propose other viable options for ways cities can help with housing; e.g., easing up restrictions on basement apartments, not being susceptible to further restrictions when your city already exceeds a certain number of available rentals? Why does the state allow developers to push high density housing? Affordable Housing: The High Density Myth (report)

5G Radiation Surveillance Towers:In 2018, Sen. Curt Bramble and Rep. Timothy Hawkes sponsored and advocated for SB189 Small Wireless Facilities and Deployment Act that removed the decision from local municipalities whether or not they wanted small wireless towers (SWT)—regardless of levels of radiation (TEDx Talk), surveillance potential, safety, being unsightly, or community desire—to be located in their communities. The University of Utah had entered into the Platform for Open Wireless Data-driven Experimental Research (P.O.W.D.E.R.) program that placed multiple SWTs across Utah, as the legislature entered into a PPP with wireless companies to allow permission of these towers. There have been no long term studies on safety. In the October 16, 2019 Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Interim Committee where 5G Internet Technology and the tower implementation were discussed, Kobus van der Merwe from the U was asked about the issue of safety and he implied to the committee and Sen. Bramble that the P.O.W.D.E.R. program was studying capabilities and not safety and that the committee needed to seek out experts to answer health issues. Some committee members laughed about conspiracy fears about microwaves and the public’s concern about electromagnetic waves. Sen. Bramble and Rep. Hawkes—by sponsoring SB 189—made Utah one of two innovation zones for 5G in partnerships with the P.O.W.D.E.R. program, Salt Lake City, the Utah Education and Telehealth Network; and with UDOT overseeing the buildout of Utah’s 5G. One would think that the sponsors of such a potentially serious and consequential Deployment Act would make certain that the health of Utahns was a priority and that 5G was not being implemented for future surveillance and had protections on its use. Even though the Office of Research and Legislative Council noted that, “…however, this means there is considerable basis for further studies to be generated on these issues. Interested parties can look to ongoing studies being done by the NTP, WHO, and the U.S. FDA on RFR exposure and 5G.” Evidence is now indicating that 5G and surveillance cameras all over places like New York may be another “coincidental” use of the 5G network. For further information on 5G as a weapon, and surveillance see the movie 5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event. See where 5G towers are in your community (SL Trib. Map).

Climate Change?:Why are the scientists that disagree that there is a catastrophic climate issue being silenced and canceled? Why can’t the public hear both sides? Should it be concerning that a climate crisis just happens to also be a perfect excuse to fundamentally change how society is structured and it just happens to be pushed at the end up another upheaval (covid)? If the world didn’t have a man-made climate issue, then how do “they” get us to change our cars, live in “smart surveillance” communities, put solar on our houses—despite its high production carbon footprint—, meter our water and energy, shut down Utah’s coal production, etc. Without a climate crisis these things would be a difficult sell. Please start asking about the Smart Grid. It is a complete surveillance system rollout. Your water and energy can be shut off at any moment—without any notice, or a way for you to stop it. Professor William Happer said, “I am not worried about climate change at all, but I’m terrified of climate policy.”Scientist John Christy on making sense of the data. Founder of Weather Channel On Weather Channel. Princeton Professor William Happer on misconceptions (short video) and (William Happer long video)

Data Privacy:Data is the new currency. As technology has rapidly advanced and Utah has raced alongside it to open the door for “innovation” and roll out the red carpet for the state’s technology industry, aka Silicon Slopes, our legislature—aside from SB 227 Consumer Privacy Act—has not been as eager to make sure that Utahn’s data privacy protections have kept the same pace. Data is the world’s largest traded currency and the sharing, theft, and unauthorized use of that data should be treated as such. Even those individuals concerned about the abuse of their data (currency) know there are very few legal recourses. The last attempt was the most basic resolution claiming privacy as a right underInherent and Inalienable Rights HJR 10was killed in the House.If data and elections were secure and legally protected the outlook of Utah’s future for its citizens would significantly increase. Data and privacy protection from corporations and government should be a fundamental right. In a free society, governments do not have surveillance cameras on public streets and this should be prohibited before it gets too far underway in Utah. Opt-in, instead of the often recommended opt-out for government data bases, needs to be the standard for Utah’s governmental and PPP databases.

*This is independently put together and not officially affiliated with any political party—just parents who believe in the caucus system, who have read history and are seriously worried about the world we are leaving for our children: “stand in the gap” between what was and what’s coming for your children and grandchildren. Independently created, distributed, and supported—and if all else fails, meant comedically—by the first amendment.


SB 54 Signature Collecting to Get On a Ballot

SB 54 Read the bill

Repeal SB 54 and Save Our Caucus (short video)

Restore the Caucus Blog

Smart Meter, Grid, and Toilets

EMF Radiation (TEDx Talk)

Smart Grid (video)

Smart Meters (video)

Smart Meter (blog)

Smart Toilets (video)

Take Back Your Power (Documentary on the dangers of Smart Meters. Highly recommended that you get them off your house)


The Great Salt Lake

Mining the Great Salt Lake for Lithium (blog)

Mining the GSL Part 2

HB 157 Read the bill

Great Salt Lake Video

This video is mostly about water overall, but the GSL is mentioned

Unwavering Immunity for Elected Officials

Immunity Code

Unwavering Immunity (video)


HB 36 Read the bill

HB313 Video

Public Private Partnerships

Utah: Fascism and PPPs (video)

HB 22 Read the bill

Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity (site)

Why PPPs Don’t Work (video)

Digital Driver’s License (DDL)/ Digital ID

Digital Driver’s License SB 88 (video)

REAL ID (blog)

SB 88 (Read the bill)

DDL and Digital ID Steamrolling Over Utah (video)

Facts About SB 88 and mDLs (handout from committee meeting)

SB 88 Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Committee Meeting (audio)

Digital ID or Digital Prison (video) *Explains everything. Must watch.

Digital ID and CBDC are Being Packaged Together Video

Vaccine Passports

Vaccine Passports/Biometric Tracking/Social Credit App

What Happened to HB60 Video

Inland Port

Inland Port Problems (blog)

Inland Port Resources

Inland Port Video


Voatz: The Story Behind Voatz Will Shock You

Voatz: Mind Map and Utah County Connections

Voatz Funding: George Soros 100 Million for Voting/Blockchain Tech

Ranked-Choice Voting

HB 35 Read the bill

What Do Ranked-Choice Voting and Mobile Voting Have in Common? (video)

RCV Explained (video)

RCV Problems (flyer)

RCV: Episode 42: Record Number of Ballots Discarded (Sandy and Moab a mess)

HB 374: Sensitive School’s Material

HB 374 Read the bill

A.G.’s ReMemorandum

Health Centers in Schools

Sen. Reibe’s 2023 Bills

SB 143 Read the bill


SB 254 in 2022 Read the bill

This Info Could Bring Utah’s Deep State Down

HB 168 Read the bill

Environmental Social Governance (ESG)

The Shadow State (documentary)

State Treasurer’s Website (many ESG awareness resources)

Episode 13: Social Credit Scores/ESG with Rep. Acton (video)

Social Credit Score

China’s Social Credit Score Explained (video)

Another Look Inside Life with a Social Credit Score (video)

Digital ID or Digital Prison (video goes in depth on social credit scores)

Corporate Personhood

Corporations are People Too – Or Are They? (video)

Reclaim Democracy: Corporate Personhood (site with resources)

Non-Governmental Organizations

Utah, What Are NGOs? (video)

Health Code Powers

SB 195 Emergency Response Amendments Read the bill

Health Code 26-6-4

SLC Tribune Article

GRAMA (Freedom of Information)

SB 254 2022 Read the bill

GRAMA Resources (blog)

Fees and Restrictions on GRAMA (KSL video and article)

Cities’ and Counties’ Rights

Affordable Housing: High Density Myth (report)

5G Radiation Surveillance (small wireless towers)

SB 189 Read the bill

Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Interim Committee 10/16/2019 (audio)

Office of Research and Legislative Council Research (5G handout/flyer)

5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event (documentary on the science, dangers, and federal history of 5G

5G As a Weapon (blog)

EMF Radiation (TEDx Talk)

See Where 5G is in Your Community (SL Tribune Map)

Climate Change

Scientist John Christy (shorter video)

Professor William Happer (shorter video)

Professor William Happer (longer video)

Founder of Weather Channel: More Concerned About Climate Policy Than Change (video)

Data Privacy

HJR 10 Inherent and Inalienable Rights

SB 227 Consumer Privacy Act (read the bill)